Commercial Carbon Capture Design and Costing Study (C3DC)
Project Highlights
- Challenging layout due to varying topography.
- Steam extraction integration with GGS2.
- Challenging cooling water design.
Project Description
Sargent & Lundy was retained by ION Clean Energy (ION) to participate in the design and cost estimating for the implementation of a fully integrated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system at GGS2 located in Sutherland, Nebraska. GGS2 is a coal-fired boiler, burning Powder River Basin (PRB) coal, operating at 745 gross megawatt capacity. The CO2 capture system was designed to treat typical full-load flue gas of approximately 706 equivalent megawatts from GGS2, at 90% CO2 capture and sequestration. The CO2 is compressed to 2,215 psia and is intended to be piped offsite for sequestration or utilization.
Sargent & Lundy was tasked with preliminary engineering and design of all balance of plant (BOP) components, to conduct studies to assist in key project decisions, and to provide input and oversight on other project deliverables. The project was completed in two phases: “C3DC”: an initial front-end engineering and design (FEED) study that looked at capture on a portion of the flue gas, and “C3DC2”: an additional FEED that focused on capture of the entire unit’s flue gas and included a study on implementation of biomass co-firing to achieve net-zero emissions.
Project Scope
Sargent & Lundy was tasked with performing preliminary engineering and design to support implementation of a CO2 capture facility at GGS2. BOP design and engineering was supplemented by CO2 Island process engineering provided by Koch Modular, in coordination with ION. Among the tasks performed by Sargent & Lundy were:
- Project management and planning.
- Overall project design criteria.
- BOP system design and overall engineering and design and developing a 3D model.
The following documents were developed and included in the final FEED package to DOE included:
- Project water balance.
- Process flow diagrams.
- Heat and material balances.
- Project site plan.
- General arrangement drawings.
- Process and instrumentation diagrams.
In addition, the following engineering studies were developed to support the BOP system design:
- Steam and electric sourcing study.
- Cooling water options study.
- Water and wastewater treatment study.
- Permitting matrix.
- Hazard and operability review.
- Constructability review.
- FEED report.
Read more about our decarbonization services.