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October 4, 2017 – Sargent & Lundy’s Gregor Gnaedig, along with Vice President of Powerphase Steve Quisenberry, is being featured in the Powerphase-sponsored webcast, Gas Turbine Owner’s Perspective on Turbophase Power and Efficiency.

Turbophase is a dry air injection system that has been used on multiple gas turbine frames to increase gas turbine power and efficiency with thousands of run-time hours over several years. Sargent & Lundy has been hired by several gas turbine owners to analyze the impact of Turbophase on various gas turbines at varying site conditions. In this webcast, we’ll share our on the ground experience in working with gas turbine owners on Turbophase analysis.

Join us for this free 1-hour webcast taking place October 5 at 7 a.m. EST.

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About Powerphase
Powerphase develops patented systems that help power plants use air more efficiently in both the storage and production of energy. The company’s flagship product, named Turbophase, is a patented, modular system that improves efficiency, power and responsiveness on existing or newly built combustion turbine power plants. The Turbophase system is capable of improving capacity by 10-30% and up to 5% improved heat rate at all ambient conditions.  Existing installations range from aero derivatives to B/E class and F Class combustion turbines, operating in open and combined cycle.



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