Dan Azukas of Sargent & Lundy

November 15, 2019 – Daniel Azukas, a senior management consultant for Sargent & Lundy, will lead a presentation on longer life cycles for today’s combined-cycle plants at the POWERGEN International 2019 Conference taking place November 19-21 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Several Sargent & Lundy project directors and managers will also be available to answer questions and provide information on general engineering services Sargent & Lundy provides.

Azukas’ presentation, Combined-Cycle Plant Betterment Balance of Plant Considerations, will cover performance strategies that operating combined-cycle facilities can implement to extend plant life. Greater power output and enhanced heat rate are among the primary ingredients to longer plant life. To meet today’s expectations for improved plant performance, the increased demand on the balance of plant equipment must be understood. Azukas will also discuss Sargent & Lundy’s lessons learned with plant betterment analysis and key areas to consider when upgrading your existing combined-cycle plant.

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