Bruce Power

January 6, 2020 – Sargent & Lundy was recognized at the 2019 Economic Development and Innovation Summit in Ontario, Canada, for the local presence it has established in Bruce County. The firm was also recognized for the project management and estimating services it provides to eight units at the Bruce Power facility. The annual summit, organized by Bruce Power, Bruce County, and the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries, celebrates local officials and suppliers taking a collaborative approach to regional economic development in support of the Ontario nuclear industry.

Sargent & Lundy has a long history of supporting Bruce Power’s operations dating back to 2001 when Bruce Power assumed control of its site. Since 2017, the firm has opened two offices in Bruce County to support Bruce Power’s Life-Extension Program, which is designed to extend the life of the Bruce Power facility to 2064. The initiative also strives to benefit Bruce, Grey, and Huron counties, as well as the province, through local investments and job opportunities.

Sargent & Lundy’s offices in Bruce County employ local professionals who are dedicated exclusively to Bruce Power projects. Sargent & Lundy also has employees and subcontracted personnel providing estimating services for life cycle asset management projects that are part of the Life-Extension Program. Additionally, the firm has over 125 on-site, subcontracted personnel providing project management services for the Bruce Power Major Component Replacement (MCR) Program.

The MCR program will implement and execute the refurbishment of Units 3-8 by carrying out focused, major component replacements on a range of nuclear and non-nuclear systems. By completing the program, which will commence in 2020 with Unit 6, Bruce Power will secure the long-term future of the site and ensure a competitive cost of electricity for Ontario ratepayers. MCR is the largest infrastructure project in Canada and represents the next phase of Bruce Power’s Life-Extension Program.

2019 Economic Development Innovation Summit

Jerry Bednarczyk accepted the certificate on behalf of Sargent & Lundy at the Regional Economic Development & Innovation Summit. From left: President and CEO of Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries, Ron Oberth; Bruce Power CEO, Mike Rencheck; Sargent & Lundy Senior Manager, Jerry Bednarczyk; Bruce County Warden, Mitch Twolan; President and CEO of the Nuclear Innovation Institute, Bruce Wallace; Mayor of Georgian Bluffs, Dwight Burley.

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