The microchip shortage has affected the entire global economy, and the United States power industry is no exception. While there is some debate about how long the shortage will last, many analysts predict it will extend into the latter half of 2021 and potentially into the first half of 2022.
The contributing economic factors that caused the shortage are vast and exist on both the demand and supply sides of the global semiconductor market. Contributing factors range from world governments’ responses, including those from the U.S., to the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic.
This whitepaper explores how the power generation and transmission sector of the U.S. economy can respond to this shortage from the perspective of the U.S. nuclear power generation industry. Using existing industry guidance, implementing forward-looking procurement strategies, or combining these two options may prove to be the best response to achieve our clients’ business goals.
Authors: Ryan S. Osterman