Article: Sargent & Lundy Combustion Turbine Expertise Featured in Power Engineering Magazine

Advanced combustion turbines in combined-cycle applications

October 19, 2017 - Sargent & Lundy’s Edwin Giermak, Raj Gaikwad, and Steven Warren authored an article in the September 2017 issue of Power Engineering magazine. The article, "Advanced Technology Combustion Turbines In Combined-Cycle Applications,” provides an overview of some of the significant influence associated with latest advances in F, G, H, and J Class combustion turbines for combined-cycle installations. Market-driven features impose numerous demands on power block design and integration of balance-of-plant equipment.

The authors discuss techniques that have proven highly beneficial in using these advanced combustion turbines in combined-cycle applications that can meet market expectations for fast startup, operation in both baseload and cycling modes, high efficiency and reliability, lower emissions, and lower life-cycle costs.

Read the full article here

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